Alliance Française de Harare

Holiday Lessons for Kids

French Holiday Lessons

Prepare the future of your kids by registering them for the April holiday lessons.

Good to know! Speaking French opens up opportunities to study at renowned French universities and business schools, ranked among the top higher education institutions in Europe and the world.

Session starts from 11 to 29 April

For more info contact: +263 73 212 2399 Af de Harare

New French Class for Adults

Adult French Class

Thinking of learning a new foreign language? French up this April by joining our adults weekend class!

Good to know! More than 300 million people speak French on the five continents. The OIF, an International Organisation of French-speaking countries, comprises 88 member states and governments. French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English, and the fifth most widely spoken language in the world.

Adults: 9 April – 2 July

Kids: 11 April to 29 April.

For more info contact: +263 73 212 2399 Af de Harare

Cours de français pour adultes à partir du 21 mars 2022 !

Vous vous demandez pourquoi vous devriez apprendre le français ? La capacité à parler le français et l’anglais est un avantage sur le marché du travail international. La connaissance du français ouvre les portes des entreprises françaises en France et dans les autres régions francophones du monde. Rejoignez la nouvelle session en semaine à partir du 21 mars :

French Lessons for Adults starting 21 March 2022!

French Lessons

Wondering why you should learn French? The ability to speak French and English is an advantage on the international job market. A knowledge of French opens the doors of French companies in France and other French-speaking parts of the world. Join the new weekday session starting 21st March:

French Lessons for Adults!

You have French speaking friends? You are planning to move to a French speaking country? You just want to speak a language spoken by over 300 million people all over the world? We have highly qualified teachers and state of the art methodology! Lessons can be held at the Alliance or online using Zoom. #LearnFrench#TheFunWay

French Classes for Kids and Teenagers

Equip your kids for the future by enrolling them for our Saturday French lessons which started on the 15th of January from 11h to 13h30. We enroll from 6 years of age up to A’ Level students. Registration is still open!

Exams Preparation Class for Scholars!

Do you want your child to make a real difference? Give them the chance to prepare for exams with the help of our qualified teachers, specifically trained in foreign language methodology.

French for Corporates!

Our corporate courses are designed to lead to 5 different levels of proficiency covering listening, reading comprehension, speaking, writing and interacting skills. Ideally a group consists of up to 10 trainees and the lessons can be held either at your premises , at the Alliance Française of Harare or online through Zoom. We guarantee qualified teachers, specifically trained in foreign language methodology, flexible conditions and competitive rates and latest methodology adapted to French business contexts. #LearnFrench #TheFunWay

One on One French Classes!

Do you wish to learn French fast or for a particular reason (Business, Exams, etc.)? Join our one on one lessons which are organized according to your availability and the availability of our teachers. Lessons can be held at the Alliance, at your premises or online using Zoom.

More than 300 million people speak French on the five continents. The OIF, an international organisation of French-speaking countries, comprises 88 member States and governments. French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English, and the fifth most widely spoken language in the world.

Learn, Live, Love and Enjoy French in 2022!

Learning a new language is one of the best ways to start a new year. Register for French lessons now and improve your employability skills.

The ability to speak French and English is an advantage on the international job market. A knowledge of French opens the doors of French companies in France and other French-speaking parts of the world. As one of the world’s largest economies and a leading destination for foreign investment, France is a key economic partner.